Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Universal Vue.js Applications.

Its main scope is UI rendering while abstracting away the client/server distribution.

Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js Application Server Rendered more enjoyable.

As a framework, Nuxt.js comes with a lot of features to help you in your development between the client side and the server side such as Asynchronous Data, Middleware, Layouts, etc.


  • Automatic transpilation and bundling (with webpack and babel)
  • Hot code reloading
  • Server-side rendering OR Single Page App OR Static Generated, you choose
  • Static file serving. ./static/ is mapped to /
  • Configurable with a nuxt.config.js file
  • Custom layouts with the layouts/ directory
  • Middleware
  • Code splitting for every pages/

Learn more at or see the Github project.